Saw an interesting article about what men really thing about sexting that was in the front page news feed at yahoo. I clicked to check it out later, and finally made time to check it out. I was expecting some kind of cosm-for-men type of large survey, but was disappointed that it was really just a few paragraphs from what three guys said about sending sexy sms messages.
I certainly do not consider what three friends have to say about sex-ting to be worthy of the news headline that was given to this piece published at yahoo’s shine. I did find one part of it interesting, something that I have never considered before. What married people think about sexual text messages, and how they tend to discuss things very differently than single people and dating couples (and poly-amorous people, swingers, etc).
When I read what the “married friend” said about sexting in the final paragraph, it dawned upon me that married people generally either do less sex messages to each other, or they generally do not talk as much about flirty, dirty, or sexual things with their partners as much. At least not guys talking with guys. I think in general women do talk more to their girlfreinds about sex with their husband (or lack thereof and tips for changing that, etc) – however I had never really thought about how married men don’t chat so much about their sexual lives with friends once they get into those type of committed relations.
I have certainly noticed this, but never really thought about it much. Now that I think about it, I remember guys having lots of discussions about the sex, or things that may be leading up to it when they are dating. However once the relationship gets into a serious commitment or marriage, I guess the details really do drop out of the conversation. In this respect, it would seem that women probably talk (and read more) about sex than men once a committed long term relationship has been established.
Very interesting to think about this today. I think it is the genereal perception that it is men who are oversexed and read all the dirty magazines and such. When in actuality if you look at how much erotic information men tend to consume compared to women when they are married, I think we will see that women are indeed consuming much more sexual information than men. I am thinking this considering the millions of magazines that cosmo has sold with the blazing (100 new sex tips on every cover, and the amazing amount of sales that the 50 shades of grey erotic series has sold. Certainly there are men who are buying and reading 50 shades of grey, and other sexual literature, however I think we can safely assume that women are by and large the main purchasers and consumers of the millions of cosmopolitan magazines (and all the other similar ones) and the 50 shades of grey, and other erotic and romance novels that have been on the market the past so many years.
It’s an interesting thing to consider, for me anyways. I mean there is always news about porn, and how much the porn business (supposedly) makes. Stories about men consuming so much sexual media, yet I have seen very little talking about the amount of time and money that women (both single and married) spend on erotic novels, sexually focused magazines, and other media. Right now I am thinking that married women spend more than men on adult media, and that single men spend more than married men. At this time I do not have any scientific proof, or stats from the major publishers, but I’d like to see that info put together.
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