With 3D technology becoming available in so many forms these days, it’s no wonder that a new porn in 3D done in a softcore, drama movie style is very popular. Maybe one day there will be so many 3D porn movies and series available that a new release is not a celebrated new story, but right now, it’s kind of a big deal.

The soft-porn “Sex & Zen: Extreme Ecstasy” (Read the whole story from Reuters)
A period drama about a young man, a duke and royal orgies drew hundreds in Hong Kong to the premiere of the territory’s first 3D erotic film earlier this week.
I am sure that there will be many eager viewers of good 3D porn very soon, and that the number of adults flocking to get their eyes on some virtual porn is just going to grow over the years. I can see there being many review sites for the high end 3D adult movies that come out, and I envision that people will start to really demand the more high definition blu-ray and Hi Def internet video as a minimum for taking the time to watch.
The days of the VHS tape, and low quality adult films seem to be riding into the sunset. Right now hi resolution sex scenes are starting to become big, as more and more of this hi definition porn is available, a lot of people will be consuming this form of entertainment. This will leave less time for the lower budget and quality films. Sure there will always be a place for good looking people in a basic gonzo movie that is shot with a hi def camera, but I imagine many more amateurs will be producing well lit, well thought out, and well editing sex movies that will become viral hits amongst the masses.

Looking forward to the higher resolution future.